Once again February has dawned with the usual explosion of pink and red as the biggest romantic holiday of the year looms just around the corner. For most people, this Valentine's Day will look a bit different; maybe instead of dinner at a fancy restaurant you and your honey are cooking a romantic meal at home or sharing a glass of wine via Skype. Whatever your plans are for the big day, we are kicking off the season of love with the perfect flight of teas to put you in the mood...

From traditional herbs to infusions that just make you feel good, keep reading to learn which teas make the best aphrodisiacs. 



Boasting a unique taste that people either seem to love or hate, licorice root has been a part of traditional medicine practices for centuries. Licorice offers a deep flavor profile and contains properties which can affect hormones levels, making teas with licorice the perfect start to your night. Our Black Velvet tea blend combines sweet licorice with ginseng and peppermint to steep a cup that is naturally invigorating and delicious too! Brew a cup and explore the dark mysteries that unfold. 

Black Velvet


You might have heard ginseng bandied about as health craze buzz word, but the use of ginseng for its health benefits dates back to ancient Chinese medicine. Often described as "all-healing" ginseng is considered to have several beneficial effects on the body that range from reducing anxiety to operating as a muscle relaxant to combatting fatigue. Ginseng also increases hormone levels and enhances sexual response(2). Try our Ginseng Berry herbal infusion for a naturally caffeine-free romance boost. This blend is characterized by mineral and tart fruit flavors. Add a cup to your daily routine to fully reap the benefit of this antioxidant-rich infusion!

Ginseng Berry


The flower of the jasmine plant has a heady aroma that brings to mind tropical climates and sensual experience. In traditional Eastern medicine, jasmine is considered to offer many benefits to the human body including being a natural aphrodisiac(3). Light some jasmine candles, brew a pot of our Jasmine Dragon Pearls for your valentine, and watch the evening unfurls! 

Jasmine Dragon Pearls


On a lighter floral note, we have the time-honored symbol of romance, the rose. With a more delicate but no less enchanting scent, roses are always the way to go when setting the scene for a magical soiree. Roses are pleasing to the nose and eyes but an ethno-survey of traditional plant remedies in Kashmir India published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine suggests that roses might help put you in the mood as well(4). Our Shanghai Rose blend pairs naturally floral Pai Mu Tan white tea with aromatic rose petals for a light but deeply fragrant cup. Serve hot or cold steep for a unique mixed drink base!

Shanghai Rose


Chocolate is one of the best known natural aphrodisiacs and as such it is no wonder it too shares a bond with the upcoming holiday(5). Sweet, smooth, and creamy, chocolate is a luxurious treat for your taste buds and your brain. Steep our Faux Cocoa for a sweet ending to your Valentine's Day celebration and enjoy a perfectly guilt-free dessert. Faux Cocoa blends sweet and antioxidant-rich rooibos with chocolate bits and spices for a deliciously caffeine-free brew. 

Faux Cocoa


What flavor goes best with chocolate when it comes to February 14th? Strawberry. Luscious and fruity, strawberries bring to mind romantic getaways and lazy summer afternoons. Whether your steeping for two or simply enjoying a cuppa by yourself, our Par Amour herbal tisane offers a sweetly fragrant infusion bursting with the flavors of fresh berries. Par Amour is excellent served hot or iced and boasts a delicious natural sweetness.

Par Amour

Here's the Tea

 Whether you are looking for exciting ways to tempt your taste buds or searching for the right flavors to spice up your Valentine's Day interludes, something as simple as a cup of tea can open up the world. 

For more Valentine's Day favorites, check out our Love at First Steep tea kit! 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7122586/ 
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3339779/ 
  3. https://www.ijrpb.com/issues/Volume%201_Issue%201/ijrpb%201_4%20page%2014-16.pdf
  4.   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hermed.2019.100256

  5. https://doi.org/10.1525/gfc.2004.4.4.82

Once again February has dawned with the usual explosion of pink and red as the biggest romantic holiday of the year looms just around the corner. For most people, this Valentine's Day will look a bit different; maybe instead of dinner at a fancy restaurant you and your honey are cooking a romantic meal at home or sharing a glass of wine via Skype. Whatever your plans are for the big day, we are kicking off the season of love with the perfect flight of teas to put you in the mood...

From traditional herbs to infusions that just make you feel good, keep reading to learn which teas make the best aphrodisiacs. 



Boasting a unique taste that people either seem to love or hate, licorice root has been a part of traditional medicine practices for centuries. Licorice offers a deep flavor profile and contains properties which can affect hormones levels, making teas with licorice the perfect start to your night. Our Black Velvet tea blend combines sweet licorice with ginseng and peppermint to steep a cup that is naturally invigorating and delicious too! Brew a cup and explore the dark mysteries that unfold. 

Black Velvet


You might have heard ginseng bandied about as health craze buzz word, but the use of ginseng for its health benefits dates back to ancient Chinese medicine. Often described as "all-healing" ginseng is considered to have several beneficial effects on the body that range from reducing anxiety to operating as a muscle relaxant to combatting fatigue. Ginseng also increases hormone levels and enhances sexual response(2). Try our Ginseng Berry herbal infusion for a naturally caffeine-free romance boost. This blend is characterized by mineral and tart fruit flavors. Add a cup to your daily routine to fully reap the benefit of this antioxidant-rich infusion!

Ginseng Berry


The flower of the jasmine plant has a heady aroma that brings to mind tropical climates and sensual experience. In traditional Eastern medicine, jasmine is considered to offer many benefits to the human body including being a natural aphrodisiac(3). Light some jasmine candles, brew a pot of our Jasmine Dragon Pearls for your valentine, and watch the evening unfurls! 

Jasmine Dragon Pearls


On a lighter floral note, we have the time-honored symbol of romance, the rose. With a more delicate but no less enchanting scent, roses are always the way to go when setting the scene for a magical soiree. Roses are pleasing to the nose and eyes but an ethno-survey of traditional plant remedies in Kashmir India published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine suggests that roses might help put you in the mood as well(4). Our Shanghai Rose blend pairs naturally floral Pai Mu Tan white tea with aromatic rose petals for a light but deeply fragrant cup. Serve hot or cold steep for a unique mixed drink base!

Shanghai Rose


Chocolate is one of the best known natural aphrodisiacs and as such it is no wonder it too shares a bond with the upcoming holiday(5). Sweet, smooth, and creamy, chocolate is a luxurious treat for your taste buds and your brain. Steep our Faux Cocoa for a sweet ending to your Valentine's Day celebration and enjoy a perfectly guilt-free dessert. Faux Cocoa blends sweet and antioxidant-rich rooibos with chocolate bits and spices for a deliciously caffeine-free brew. 

Faux Cocoa


What flavor goes best with chocolate when it comes to February 14th? Strawberry. Luscious and fruity, strawberries bring to mind romantic getaways and lazy summer afternoons. Whether your steeping for two or simply enjoying a cuppa by yourself, our Par Amour herbal tisane offers a sweetly fragrant infusion bursting with the flavors of fresh berries. Par Amour is excellent served hot or iced and boasts a delicious natural sweetness.

Par Amour

Here's the Tea

 Whether you are looking for exciting ways to tempt your taste buds or searching for the right flavors to spice up your Valentine's Day interludes, something as simple as a cup of tea can open up the world. 

For more Valentine's Day favorites, check out our Love at First Steep tea kit! 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7122586/ 
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3339779/ 
  3. https://www.ijrpb.com/issues/Volume%201_Issue%201/ijrpb%201_4%20page%2014-16.pdf
  4.   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hermed.2019.100256

  5. https://doi.org/10.1525/gfc.2004.4.4.82